About US
Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. is duly registered and incorporated under the companies and allied matters act of 1990 and that the company is limited by shares, the certificate of incorporation was handed to us at Abuja to act as importer, distributor, installer of various Computer and Security gadgets and Two ways Radio Communication such as, Walking Talking, Fire/Burglary Alarm, Siren (Escort Bar Light/Fed. Signal Sirens), Surveillance (CCTV), Property/Personal Detecting Device (Mail Scan, Metal Detectors), X-ray Scanners, Industrial Protective Wears, Traffic/Marine Safety Equipments, Public Address System, Radio Communications (VHF, UHF, HF), Telecommunication P.A.B.X Systems, Card Access Control System, Video Door Phones, Long Range mobile Phones, Fire/Smoke Detectors, Bud Detector Equipments, including general goods and Services. Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. is also registered to carryout business in manufacturing, maintenance, repairs and is into electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description; also to handle business in Nigeria or elsewhere as importers, exporters, warehousemen, stevedores of or in relation to commodities commonly bought, sold, manufactured or dealt in by persons carrying on aims of the business therein mentioned, and to carry on the business as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors of commodities, goods and instruments of all kinds whatsoever and act as importers, exporters, manufactures of commodities and items of all kinds whatsoever.
To contribute to the Sensitization of the citizenry on the need of advance Technology and security conscious environment. OUR VISION Be the leader in Information Technology and Network security in our region, integrate services and network security solutions with trained personnel with the technology that can be offered to your business.
Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. has provided trusted and confidential service to a wide variety of industries, including financial services, manufacturing, government establishments since existence.
SERVING CLIENTS IN THEIR DIVERSE ENDEAVOURS Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. provides many services, such as update, analysis, advice, and customer consulting to the world’s leading suppliers in information technology and communications. The other type of customers we provide these services include the foremost organizations in Police, Prison, Immigrations, Oil Companies and Government Ministries and Paralstatals.
Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. does not depend on any equipment manufacturers, distributors or installation companies, our solutions are the most appropriate because they are based on the experience we have obtained from information Technology and security field.
As most companies try to remain competitive by outsourcing specialist advice, Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. provides highly experienced security and communication consultants to supply the best advice on the most appropriate level of security to their networks.
We want to make a difference in our operations, and a force to reckon with in the security technology world. Also upholding to our integrity and competence in areas of service delivery to our clients at reasonable time and cost.
Hideous crimes are committed daily in our society here and there, the prison yards are filled to their brims with criminals. In some cases their victims are found dead or valuable never found again; this trend in the western world has drifted with an upsurge to Nigeria and Africa as a whole our society must be secured and this is the mission of Klizlu CompSec Nig. Ltd. Crimes must be prevented in our society, our lives and properties need to be protected to ensure better business environment, Africa must be protected from crimes, Nigeria must be protected, our society must be crime free, Why can't we all contribute to secure our various home, office, business environment with Real-Time Video Cameras that could catch the event before its happened?